Welcome to Our Community – TEMP

A Meaningful Life

Nestled in Chicago’s southwest corner, Mercy Circle is only 17 miles from downtown Chicago and adjacent to suburban Evergreen Park. We are perfectly situated to provide a lifestyle offering comfort and convenience, as well as spiritual and intellectual enrichment.

Mercy Circle, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, is a community in every sense of the word: Not just a warm, welcoming place with a supportive staff, we are friends and neighbors too. We share interests, enjoy activities and hobbies, and volunteer for ministries. Liturgy is offered six days a week in our Chapel which always is open for private prayer.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services awards the top ranking, 5 stars for its overall rating and 5 stars for quality staffing to Mercy Circle. Our not-for-profit organization provides the full continuum of care from an independent living lifestyle to skilled nursing care and has a no-entrance-fee policy.

Our Mission

In the spirit of the Gospels, the mission of Mercy Circle is to provide opportunities for seniors to build a faith–based community enabling them to live growing in wisdom, age and grace all the days of their life.

Our Values

Respect for the dignity of each person • Compassion • Hospitality • Stewardship • Leadership • Collaboration

Have you thought about making a change?

To schedule a visit or for more information, call 773-253-3600.